
5 Pleasure Destinations to Visit After the World Lifts Covid-19 Travel Bans

Summer vacations have been that important for people as these are today. People are sick of Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns. The world is now expecting a surge in mainstream tourism right after ending the lockdowns. is planning to make things easier and affordable. It suggests travelers to use social distancing, safe and affordable traveling by applying Agoda Voucher Code. Those who are ready to jump in should check the latest updates on lockdowns in different countries. We are going to list tip destinations ready to host the tourists and travelers from international community.


Saying this would not be wrong that UAE was among the first countries to soften the lockdowns. The UAE government was planning to organize Dubai Expo 2020 that was postponed due to Covid-19. Recently, the government has announced to schedule this famous expo 2020 in the October or November. Tourists who have a plan to attend this world’s famous expo should book the flights and hotels using Agoda Voucher Code to achieve big discounts.   Remember the famous airlines including Emirates, Fly Dubai, and Etihad airlines when looking to land on Arab lands.


Does it sound surprising? Well, the modern day Pakistan is a suitable place for the tourists eager to explore the beauty of this world. Pakistan has lowest number of Covid-19 patients. Thanks to Smart Lockdown policies of Pakistani government which helped in keeping the pandemic under control. Recently, Pakistan has announced to reorganize PTDC, a tourism development company, to start promotion of beautiful landscape. Again, thanks to the nature that gifted this beautiful country a wide range of geographic diversity including the beaches (Gawadar, Passni, or Karachi), famous deserts (Cholistan and Thal), ancient cities (Multan and Lahore), beautiful northern mountains (Karakorum Heights) and green valleys (Swat, Chitral, Gilgit Baltistan).


Turkey is one of the main central Asian countries bordering Europe. Turkey is a place to see the righteous blend of eastern and western cultures. From its people to places, dressing to designing, architecture to language, there is a significant involvement of modern and ancient traditions. There are several destinations for the history, art and entertainment lovers. For example, visiting the Istanbul would be a good idea for people who like to study the history of famous Ottoman and Roman Empires.

 Sweden and Switzerland:

Both European countries imposed the Smart Lockdown policies from beginning. They successfully managed to restrict the pandemic to a limited number of persons. These are the heavens on earth for people who like nature and romance. The land of roses and flowers is looking forward to offer the great pleasure again. Book top flights with reasonable savings and find the best accommodations in these countries. team suggests tourists to utilize an Agoda Voucher Code to select recently added tours and trips.

West Indies:

Yes, this is an amazing place which is free from the Covid-19 pandemic. The country is a combination of several small islands. Beautiful beaches, cool weather and sunny days are best features forcing tourists to choose West Indies to visit after lifting of travel restrictions.