
Angola holidays tips

Angola is placed in south central Africa, also known as the Republic of Angola and shares borders with Namibia to the south, Zambia in the east, Atlantic Ocean to the west and Dr Congo in the north. Angola is trying to reconstruct its self and with this newly embarked development force of rebuilding, there is some hope that country will shine once again.

Luanda is the capital city of Angola, probably the largest city in Angola with Angola International airport, sea port. Some of the other charming coastal towns contain Benguela and Lobito in wonderful scenery and peaceful sea breeze.

Here are best Angola holidays tips and tricks:

When to visit

Angola to the north and the coast have a tropical climate, damp, central Angola views milder and dry situations. Towards Namibia, the south has a desert climate and becomes increasingly arid the nearer it gets to the Namib Desert.

Angola is placed within the hot month rainfall zone and months such as November to mid April are generally humid, hot and wet more general on the coast and the northern part of the country. The winter time is the best for visitor and some diseases are fewer around this time. June to September is dry with temperature of 25 C.

Getting around in Angola

Angola transport infrastructure is extremely basic. There is best road between the capital Luanda and Namibe and Lubango, served by buses and candongas.

Getting into remote places such as Namib desert and national parks by anything other than expensive vehicle and driver hire is currently very hard.

Health & safety in Angola

While travel in south-west Angola carries few dangerous, caution is required elsewhere in the country. Care should also be taken at night in the capital, Luanda.

Speak to your GP or travel doctor about vaccinations. Malaria is common in Angola. Going off the beaten track is not suggestive because of Angola landmine issue and travel is not advised in certain provinces.

The key airport is placed in the capital Luanda with international flights from and to from Luanda Angola every week. Cheap flights to Angola are accessible through internet with a number of travel sites and agents.

Find Angola hotel & accommodation in all big towns, may placed in Luanda Angola with amazing facilities and hotel rooms. There are safari lodges and inns missing Cuanza River with grass chalets and with more eco-tourism approaches.

You can get more detail on Angola travel and Angola tour packages facts from a number of travel agents and from embassies/mission placed in Luanda Angola.