
Best Destinations to Visit in Africa

Africa is mysterious in its look and nature. This second-largest continent has many untold mysteries and adventures to stun people. The black diamond glitters in pride and prejudice. Obviously, tourists choose top African countries where Nature is very intimate to attract them. Through a guide, decide to select best destinations to visit in Africa. With internet, do qualitative research and be more specific to opt for the best place located in any of 54 nations in the whole African continent. 

Victoria Falls 

 The wonder is that you will be dumb-stuck to see such a forceful cascade with large water bubbles to strike the hard rock ground. Victoria Falls stands in-between Zimbabwe and Zambia borderlines. It is deeper than that of Niagara Falls. This gigantic waterfall seems to challenge humans by showcasing its mastery over people. The natural scenic beauty must give you charm and excitement to experience. Another episode of adventure must make you wild in intoxicated pleasure and happiness by meeting the Knife-Bridge, Devil’s Pool, and Livingstone Island. Victoria Falls is an iconic heritage place for global tourists. 


Lugazi is your next destination during your month-long tour to Africa. In Uganda, Lugazi is situated in the Buikwe City facing Kampala Jinja Highway. Many people address this place as Kawelo. Its worldwide popularity is easy to feel as it is the hub for culture, education, sports, and architecture. The Mabira rainforest is another attraction for you. Find time to travel in Lugazi to go to this popular rainforest. The lush greenery, table-shaped hilltops and extensive terrain beckon visitors. Natural beauty refreshes your mind when you like to find the way to breathe fresh air. Tourists have to take tips and advice from tourism experts for knowing best time to visit Uganda.


Mityana in Central Uganda is marvelous. The vast territory has many hills, terrains, valleys and uneven slopes. This is one of the top destinations for safaris in UgandaWonderful architecture tempts global tourists. For example, The Roman Catholic Diocese of Kiyinda-Mityana nourishes the rustic architecture and sculpture. Besides, people visit 4000-year-old Lake Wamala for exploration during their vacation period. 

Isalo National Park 

Isalo National Park is located In the Indian Ocean off the coast of Mozambique. In this park, you will see rare trees standing firm. Canyon and tall palm trees welcome the arrival of strangers. For more accurate guide, you should check online Google map to identify Isalo National Park. 

Zanzibar in Tanzania

Zanzibar archipelago off the coastal area of Tanzania is always awe-inspiring and dynamic. Moorish architectural ethos blended with Indian tradition produces a synergistic impact to boost up people. You will have wonderful experience when you visit Zanzibar in Tanzania.

Lake Malawi 

Lake Malawi stretches towards Tanzania with its serpentine water streamline. The cool breeze passes over the lake must rejuvenate you wiping out your fatigue. At first sight, you will be stunned and amazed. This lake is very much valuable and resourceful for water navigators and scuba divers. If you have a lot of enthusiasm and stamina, you should include this important water lake in your itinerary list. 

Over 50 nations are within Africa. Many known and less popular cities in this continent are now top recreation destinations for travelers. Though poverty and malnutrition cripple Black communities, there is a lot for you to discover. Voodoo, black magic, illiteracy and racism are high. Still, Africa is the best place for those who want to learn more about culture, ethnicity and religions in African nations. In this regard, professional destination management professionals and tourism planners can give you a brief-up about African tourism and leisure.