
Dream trip to Turkey: Your Options

Planning to travel to Turkey but with some doubts? Don’t worry, you have nothing to fear. Moreover, we warn you that you are going to fall madly in love with this country. 

Best tips for traveling to Turkey

Although it has recently gone through a most turbulent time, today traveling to Turkey is fashionable. In part, it all has to be said, thanks to the boom in Turkish soap operas and hair transplant clinics. But, for whatever reason, there are plenty of reasons and it is good that we underestimate Turkey. Dare to know this interesting country anchored between East and west, between modern and traditional, a country to love or hate, but that will not leave you indifferent.

If you have also decided to visit Turkey, you can be sure that you will not regret it. In this article you will find many curiosities and my best tips for traveling to Turkey. Make a visit to  to get all the information.

When is it better to visit Turkey?

The truth is that each season has its charm, but my favorite months to travel to Turkey are April and September. April because with the arrival of spring, Istanbul fills with tulips, light and color. September because it is a month with pleasant but not excessive temperatures. Summer is a good time if you tolerate the heat well and you have in mind visiting the wonderful beaches of Turkey. And although winter is my least favorite time, if you are lucky and have a few days of snow, you will see that Istanbul is even more beautiful when it is dyed white.

Is it safe to travel to Turkey?

Even if it seems or they tell you otherwise, Turkey is one of the safest countries you can visit. Fortunately, the dark days of bombings and political uncertainty seem to be behind us. Right now, the situation is calm and it is safe to visit Turkey.  As for Istanbul, it is as safe as a city of about 20 million people can be. Of course, from time to time things happen and there is chaos. Like in any other city, there are good people and some bad people. But in general, if you use your common sense, nothing should happen to you. The Turks are very honest when it comes to robberies. If you forget your wallet or mobile in a restaurant, chances are that when you realize it and look for it again, it will continue to be there. But as annoying as they are, since there are so many people always everywhere, you don’t have to feel insecure. If they bother you, it is best to ignore. If someone goes out of line, don’t hesitate to raise your voice and the people around will take your side. 

As Istanbul is immense, surely you also have doubts about which are the best and safest neighborhoods to sleep. In the following link you will find all the information you need about where to stay in Istanbul.

Dog in Istanbul

 It is safe to travel to Turkey will not tire of saying that it is very safe to travel to Turkey.

That said, although traveling to Turkey is generally very safe, one of the things to be very careful with is when getting into a taxi. As we said before, in terms of taxi drivers there is also everything: good and bad.