
History of Split in Brief

Many people visit Croatia, as it is one of the best tourist destinations of all time. One of the best places to visit in Croatia is also split. And, there are many tourists who visit some good places around split like – 1. Palazzo di Diocleziano, 2. Marjan Park, 3. Old split, 4. Cathedral of St. Domnius, 5. The Peristyle of Diocletian’s Palace, etc., and many more to know about the History of the split. So, continue reading to know about the history of split in brief:

In the Beginning

It was around a Greek settlement that the history of split revolves around. Plus, it was founded in the era between the 3rd and 4th Centuries. The most famous historical development of split came in 295 AD. It was the Roman emperor Diocletian, who ordered his soldiers to build a place for his residence in split so that he can stay here after his retirement. The location was selected and it was near to the large Roman Settlement Salona, also known as Solin in the current age. Solin is 5 km from the split.

It took almost 10 years to build a residence for Diocletian and this magnificent palace was built and he lived here. Afterward, he died in 313 AD. Roman rulers started to use the palace for their retreat after the death of Diocletian. Therefore, it is said, from Diocletian to Venetians.

History of Split

The Roman colony of Salona was abandoned after the 7th century and many of the people living there, started to take the sanctuary behind the palace’s high walls. Their people continued living there for over centuries.

Venetian Rule and the History of Split Up – 

In the 11th Century and beyond that, the city of split grew up very much inside the areas and around the palace. Between the 12th and 14th centuries, the split enjoyed a good amount of independence, before the Venetians conquered it in 1420. Later in the year 1797, the Venetian rule had come to an end and Split was ruled by the Austrians and then later for a brief time by the French.

Split in the 20th Century – 

In the 20th Century, the Austro- Hungarian Empire had ended. And, then Split became a part of the Serbs Kingdom, Croats, and Slovenes which was created in the year 1918. Then after 1920, it had developed to some extent. The Italians occupied split in the year 1941. After the capitulation of Italy, a very strong confrontation movement changed the city, which first took freedom in 1943. Then, again split was occupied by Germany. And, in October 1944 split was freed again, when the 1st Peoples Government was formed in Croatia.

Split as a part of Yugoslavia after World War II it experienced pretty much growth. Split became a pivotal port after Yugoslavia became the top country in the world. In a war that had broken out in split in 1991, Split had not had much damage. After Croatia’s independence, the split suffered as its strong industry came to decline. Recently, the split has recovered into a bustling city and pleasing one for tourist and their destination.