
How to Make Smoked Meat at Home?


Making smoked meat at home especially during the colder months is a thrilling experience because creating a perfect grill may be easier but smoking meat is an art and science. Professionals and experienced smoked meat makers at specialized delis and restaurants such as viande fumée Jarry follow all the steps and procedures with all essential equipment to make most flavourful and delicious smoked meat using the appropriate brisket, or bacon, pork butt or other stuff. 

However, even if you are not a professional or expert to make the smoked meat and bring the required flavour or delicious taste, and though you may not have the required most advanced smoker, but still you can make your desired smoked meat with whatever the equipment you have and with the professional knowledge of making the most flavourful and delicious smoked meat. What you need is a strong will and patience along with the art of making the smoked meat and basic understanding of the procedures.

The first thing you need to understand or answer yourself is the question of why you need to make smoked meat and does it really worth it or does it really make any difference? The answer is simple and easy. You just visit a friend who has made smoked meat, ask him or her all about the smoked meat, and finally taste it yourself and compare with your grilled meat especially in terms of its flavour and delicious taste. Secondly, if you love tenderness in the meat, smoked meat is the perfect preference for you because smoking eventually tenderizes the meat.

You can start smoking of your meat with the grill but keep in mind that the meat should never be cooked directly over the heat to make smoked meat, and secondly, you have to smoke it for hours patiently. In this context, determine which grill is appropriate for you to smoke the meat. If you have a charcoal grill, then it can serve the purpose perfectly in a simple way and easily. Pile up your charcoals at one side and have a drip pan at the other side of the grill. 

As the charcoals are hot enough for cooking, keep of a layer of wood chips over the coals. Put a layer of liquid in the drip pan and if you need a bit of saucy put apple juice that will infuse a little sweetness in the meat. When you see the coal is going and the wood chips are on, place the meat over the drip and close the grill completely not allowing the smoke to go out. Monitor the process and move the meat time to time and finally, you will get your desired smoked meat.