
How to Survive a Skiing Holiday with Friends


So, you want to go on a skiing holiday with your friends. Do you realise what you’re signing up for?

Only kidding! Skiing with friends can be amazing – going with a group of like-minded people can bring you a week (or two) of endless laughter, fun and the potential for some shenanigans! But as with organising anything with a group of people, balancing everyone’s needs and requirements can be a struggle. Skiing holidays Tignes can help you through every step of the booking process, and can make sure that you get the skiing holiday you want.

Make sure that your next group ski adventure goes smoothly with these helpful tips. 

Agree on the Money Situation

Setting a travel budget is super important for any holiday, but is especially important for group bookings. How are you going to be splitting bills? Do you want to just keep a running tally and send those fun post-trip bank transfers? Or are people just going to pay their own way the entire time? These are the sticky things that need to be agreed ahead of time so that there is no awkwardness at the dinner table! 

Get the Right Group of Friends

This one is open to interpretation, but usually smaller groups work a bit better. You can’t possibly spend the whole day skiing with 12 people, you’ll end up wasting time stood around waiting for people. You also need to take into account what kind of skiers people are; are they powder hunters? Après ski fanatics? Got be on the first lift kind of people? Or do they just want to have a gentle, easy ski? 

You should also consider the skill level of the skiers in the group; if everyone is an experienced skier except one newbie, get them booked into some lessons pronto. Make sure you find this out before you get to the resort, otherwise you could be slowed down all week. 

Which Resort?

Once you’ve figured out a budget and who you’re going with it’s time to pick the all-important resort. This choice should be based on what is important to the group as a whole. Good Après ski? Best value for money? Avoiding long transfers? Or maybe you’re hunting for the best snow? Tignes is a great bet for this!

Advance Planning (You’ll thank us later)

Any details you can sort out before you even see the snow will make the trip a whole lot easier. Do you need to arrange ski hire? Book it. Airport transfers? Sort those out now. Ski lessons? Arrange them as soon as possible. 


We’re not daft, we know that a week skiing with your friends is going to result in hitting the après-ski scene. Just make sure that you stay hydrated – the drinking coupled with the altitude will cause a lot of problems. Don’t miss out on a day’s skiing just because you’re hungover!

Rest Day

This could be a rest day from skiing, or the boozing or from your friends. You’ll probably need it. Don’t worry about FOMO, we’ve all had that feeling when we’ve gotten back from a holiday – you need another one to get over it! Listen to your body and take a day off if you need it, it’ll make all the difference.

Give Each Other Space

Don’t crowd each other – living in each other’s pockets can cause a bit of stress. Don’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do, going in a group means that you’ll be able to find at least one other person who wants to do the same things as you, so buddy up!

Group holidays are a great way to make lasting memories, balancing everyone’s needs can be difficult; but if you can nail it you’ll have fond memories for years to come.