
Know Before You Go: Things Every First-Time Skiers Should Know

There are a lot of outdoor activities that people can try and do and it depends on people’s interests. One such outdoor activity that you should definitely try if you haven’t yet is skiing.

Skiing offers a lot of benefits for people, which is why it’s relatively popular for a lot of travelers and health enthusiasts. It offers you a new perspective on snowy landscapes and wintertime, as well as take you to beautiful alpine views.

Skiing can also help you be more in tune with your body since it requires a solid sense of balance for people to do. However, even that skill can be learned.

On that note, if it’s your first time going skiing, you should check out these to-dos before you go on your first ski trip:

Take a lesson with a professional

The best way to know how to start skiing is by hiring a ski instructor. He can help you learn the ropes of skiing, and you are sure to know its fundamentals by the heart more than when a friend or family can teach you.

A professional instructor can teach you essential ski control such as knowing when to stop and how to stop, how to control your speed, and all that comes with it.

If you proceed without proper knowledge of the basics of skiing, you are more likely to get injured.

Do not wear very thick socks

With ski boots, you should make sure that you rent one in advance if you don’t have one yourself. That way, you can find a pair that fits you well.

Also, do make sure that you don’t wear extra thick socks. Don’t double layer the socks either. You should be able to wiggle your toes inside your ski boots.

If you’re worried about having cold feet literally, then you should know that ski boots are actually made to warm your feet. Adding on layers may only lead to you losing circulation in your feet thus, making your feet cold.

Hats and mittens are a must-have

When packing your items in your international carry-on luggage, one of your essentials for skiing is hats and mittens or gloves.

Make sure that you bring the right kind of mittens or gloves with you as some are better for skiing than others. Otherwise, your instructor might make you get a new pair which would be an additional and unprecedented cost for you.

Bringing extra pairs of mittens, gloves, and hats is also essential since the snow will eventually make these wet. You wouldn’t want the items meant to make you warm to make you cold.

Be an early bird

Since you’re a beginner, it’s unlikely that you would be able to go skiing side-by-side with your family and friends or with someone who has more experience with skiing.

Thus, it’s a good rule to follow that you arrive earlier so that you can get a few lessons to be able to follow the people you came with for the trip. It will make you get used to skiing and get comfortable with handling and controlling yourself.

If you try and catch up with your friends or family when skiing without any lessons, you might get an injury instead.

Layer-up yourself

One guarantee for you when you go on your ski trip is that it’s going to be cold, so pack up your layers or wear them as soon as possible.

Make sure that you don’t wear any cotton materials since these types of clothes made from cotton will stay wet for a long time and they don’t help with the cold much either.

Instead, clothes that are made out of merino wool or even polyester will do the trick. Wear layers upon layers so that you don’t freeze while you’re out there. Just make sure it’s breathable enough for you.

Stay in control

If there is one piece of advice to follow or one particular lesson to listen to from your instructor, it should be the lesson that teaches you how to stay in control when you’re skiing.

This should be the first thing you try and master when you’re skiing. Otherwise, it could lead to injury if you’re not careful.

Make sure you wear a helmet as well to be extra safe and practice only in areas that you’re more used to.

Do not forget to hydrate yourself

Something you might not know about hanging out in a place with a higher altitude is that it makes you dehydrate faster. Thus, you should make sure that you constantly hydrate yourself so that you don’t get too tired or fatigued.

However, if you do get fatigued, it’s best that you rest up anyway. Listen to what your body is telling you so that you don’t tax your body too much.

Wear polarized goggles

Another additional thing when you’re up in the mountains is that staying there can get you sunburns faster. Even though it’s cold, you should still make sure that you have some form of sun protection with you.

Aside from applying sunscreen, you should get some polarized goggles as well. This can help you out and prevent your skin from drying when you’re up there. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen even if you get polarized goggles though.

Do some warm-up

Before you go skiing down the mountain or for any rigorous physical exercise for that matter, make sure that you do some warm-ups first. That way, your body isn’t going to be shocked by the sudden and intense bouts of physical exercise that it’s about to get.

Even if you are physically active, warm-ups are still very useful and it gets your resting heart rate just right.

Final Thoughts

All of these tips above will help you be more prepared for your ski trip. Being prepared for your first time skiing will make sure that you’re giving this outdoor activity its best chance. That way, you can grow to like it eventually, even if you’re not an outdoorsy person, to begin with.

Plus, it will ensure that you reduce the stress and problems that you encounter for your first ski trip. You wouldn’t want it to lead to injury, after all, so you should make sure you’re as prepared as possible.