
The Pyramids of Egypt

Egypt – the bridge between Africa and Asiainvites you to take part in an unforgettable adventure, offering visitors some of the oldest world’s ruins: sand-covered pyramids, majestic temples, austere tombs, and so much more! Yet, it is not all about history and its precious jewels. The land of the ancient Pharaohs, in fact, strikes visitors with a rich culture, golden sandy beaches, the endless desert and the famed Nile River. Visitors will definitely find in Egypt something that suits their taste!


For the ultimate backpacking trip in Egypt, as well as for further information about visas, vaccinations and prices, visit the German website Backpackertrail.

Best time to visit Egypt

The country is located in the subtropical desert, therefore, visitors can theoretically travel to Egypt all year round. Although the sun usually shines and the country is world-known for its scorching weather, visitors should not forget that temperatures extremely drop at night. The best period to visit the country depends of course on what your plans are, however, if you want to discover Egypts in all its facets, it is suggested to go between October and April (20- 25°C). During this period, in fact, the number of tourists will be limited and the unbearable heat will not ruin your plans.

How to get around in Egypt

Egypt is no Europe. There are of course several possibilities to get around the country, however, visitors should keep in mind that travelling will not be as easy as it can be in the European landmass. The fastest and most expensive way to go from one place to another is by plane. Egypt Air connects the most important Egyptian cities to each other – Cairo, Alexandria, Hurghada. The second fastest way (and also the second most expensive) to get around the country is to book a train. As already said, trains are pricey, however, they will let you save a lot of time! Finally, buses are the most common choice among backpackers. They are cheap and connect the most important cities in the country, yet, it must be recalled that trips sometimes can be long.

Some of the most popular pyramids of Egypt

Pyramids of Giza

Located on the Giza Plateau, not too far away from the Egyptian capital Cairo, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the last remaining of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. According to several studies, the majestic structure was built more than 4000 years ago by Egyptian farmers – and not slaves -, who, during the flood season, were unable to work on their fields. Don’t forget that, besides the Pyramid of Giza, the site includes also the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Menkaure and the Great Sphinx of Giza.


Red Pyramid

The Red Pyramid, commonly called also the North Pyramid, islocated in Dashur. Its name derives from the colour of the red limestones used for its construction between 2575 and 2551 BC. Visitors can here enjoy the 105-metre high pyramid and its three interior chambers.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser

Built in the 27th century BC, this ruin is the oldest world’s cut-stone structure. Indeed, according to historians, prior to the Step Pyramid of Djoser, ancient Egyptians used to built Pharaohs tombs with mud-bricks. Apparently, Djoser affected for the following centuries the way Egyptian pyramids were built. It is located only 30 minutes away from the Giza Necropolis, therefore, you should not miss it!


Bent Pyramid

The Pyramid of Sneferu (also Southern Shining Pyramid), built approximately in 2600 BC, represents another extremely important Egyptian historical site. The ancient building earned the name “Bent Pyramid” due to its structure, which makes it look, indeed, bent. There are many theories concerning the structure of the pyramid: some historians argue it was a mistake, some others believe this was due to the exacerbation of the pharaoh’s health. Who knows… maybe you will discover something new!

Pyramid of Meidum

The Pyramid of Meidum, located approximately 100 km south of Cairo, was designed to be the eternal resting place for Huni, the last pharaohs of the Third Dynasty. As visitors can see when they arrive on-site, the building was originally constructed as a step pyramid. Yet, some time later, an outer layer of sand-bricks covered the original structure, which however collapsed over time.