
Why Cuba Should be on Your 2020 Bucket List

Cuba has been buzzing in the international travel circle for the past several years. Lax travel restrictions,a rising food scene, and animproved tourism sector have helped Cuba become one of the world’s trendiest destinations.

With that being said, it’s much better to visit Cuba nowinstead of later. For decades, Cuba has retained a characteristic appeal that is extremely hard to find elsewhere.Travelers wishing to fully embrace Cuba’s rich culture, and unique history will be better served by exploring it now and not 10 years in the future.

Find out why Cuba should be visited in 2020 if it’s on your bucket list!

Because It is Legal to Visit Right Now

In recent years, Cuba’s tourism sector has experienced dramatic growth due to its more generous policies towards foreign visitors. Add the increased accommodation options, and more tourists are imaginingCuba as their ideal spot for a tropical getaway.

Due to recent policy changes, Americans keep asking if they canlegally enter Cuba. Short answer, yes! However,Americans face far more obstacles than their counterparts.

Residents of the United States cannot land in any airport outside of Havana, cruise ships are not allowed to dock, and your itinerary must prove you supportthe Cuban people for the duration of your trip.

Despite this, it remains legal for Americans to enter Cuba. Canadians, Mexicans, and many other nationals may not have to overcome the same red tape, but it’s better to visit Cuba now in case that changes.

See the Country Beforeit Loses Authenticity

Stepping foot onto Cuba feels like you’ve been placed into a time portal and sent 60 years back in time. Colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and antique cars decorate the urban landscape, and the modern world fades into oblivion.

It’s a breath of fresh air seeing an entire country hold onto its distinct charm for such a long time. The rocky relationship with the United States and heavy trade restrictions have played a significant role in Cuba’s fierce resistance to outside influence.

Although the relationship between the two countries has taken a backward turn under the current US administration, it’s hard to imaginethings remaining that way forever.

When the time comes for Cuba’s relationship with the United States to be permanently mended, it will surely begin to lose its unique appeal. If you want to see what makes Cuba such a captivating destination, visit sooner rather than later.

Unspoiled Beaches

A lack of tourism infrastructure over the years has kept many of Cuba’s picturesque beaches off the radar for tropical seeking jetsetters. While other Caribbean islands have exploded in popularity and seen their beaches become dreadfully crowded, there is a stark contrast for Cuba.

Much of the country’s white-sand, golden sand, and black-sand beaches have gone largely unnoticed and they have retained their natural beauty. Cuba has well over 400 beaches, and this gives you plenty of options to sink your toes in the sand with no crowds in sight.

Buy and Roll Your Own Cuban Cigars

Have you dreamed about smoking a Cuban cigar and never gotten the chance? How about visiting a local farm and rolling one yourself?

Cuban cigars have gained a renowned reputation as one of the highest quality cigars in the world, and you have the chance to purchase them directly from the source.

Visit some of the famous factories that manufacturethe world’s finest cigars or venture further out to see a family-owned tobacco farm.

Versatile Landscapes

Cuba is more than just colorful buildings and dreamy beaches!This island nation is heaven on Earth for nature enthusiasts due to its limitless collection of natural wonders.

Rolling hills, karst mountains, tumbling waterfalls, verdant forests, enchanting swamps, scenic cliffs, and vibrant coral reefs only scratch the surface to Cuba’s admirable beauty.

Cuba’s contrasting landscapes will keep you on your toes, and you’re sure to find the scenery that suits you.

See Communism for Yourself

One of the biggest draws of Cuba for some tourists is the fact that it remains one of the last communist nations on the planet. Inquisitive travelershoping to witness the daily life of those living in a communist land have a unique opportunity in Cuba.

It’s advised to keep political opinions to yourself while in Cuba butseeing this type of governmentup close is an eye-opening experience.

Unplug from the Internet

Sometimes it does wonders for the mind to detoxfrom breaking news, sports updates, and social media feeds. In modern society, it becomes increasingly difficult to escape the internet and the distractions that come with it.

Cuba group tours are a splendid way to put the phone down and enjoy the company of those around you.Now, WIFI won’t be impossible to get butyou’re likely not going to find it for free. And it almost certainly won’t be fast.

Be prepared to take a little break from the digital world in Cuba. You’ll be glad you did!